
The Policy Lab (sm)

321 Columbus Avenue
Seventh Floor of the Electric
Carriage House
Boston, MA 02116
United States of America
Telephone: +1 617 440 4409

Research and Development

The Policy Lab supports a rich, multidisciplinary, and cooperative research program.

Like a research center, The Policy Lab is supported and staffed by scholars and practitioners researching vital challenges of social importance and contributing to the academic record and public debate.

Like a design firm, The Policy Lab applies knowledge to the design of solutions, specializing in Evidence-Based Design (EBD), and utilizing methods of strategy building, modeling, prototyping, co-creation, and facilitated dialogue. This approach to linking knowledge to action through EBD methods places The Policy Lab at the innovation vanguard of policy design.

We work to improve our approaches, conceptual frameworks, data generation techniques, interpretive methods, design solutions, ethical approaches, and outreach efforts.

At The Policy Lab, we learn to act, and we act on learning.

Current areas of research and practice include:

  • Cooperative Risk Management
  • Humanitarian Innovation
  • Strategic Design
  • Local Strategies Research
  • Strategic Engagement
  • Service Design for Complex Environments
  • Cooperative Ethics

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