Christian Bason (Denmark) is a Fellow. He is the Director of MindLab, a cross-ministerial innovation unit in Denmark, and a doctoral candidate at Copenhagen Business School. Bason holds a B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Political Science from University of Aarhus and executive education from Harvard Business School and the Wharton School. He was formerly responsible for the public organisation and management practice of Ramboll, an international consultancy. As a highly experienced presenter and facilitator, he has served as advisor to numerous public institutions around the world. He is also a university lecturer, external examiner at the Danish Design School, and the author of four books on citizen involvement, leadership, innovation and design thinking in the public sector. His latest work is “Leading public sector innovation: Co-creating for a better society”, published by Policy Press in 2010.
Bason, Christian (2011): Public design: Leading innovation in government, PhD Work in Progress Paper, Copenhagen Business School
Bason, Christian (2010): Leading public sector innovation: Co-creating for a better society, Policy Press, BristolWebsite:
Bason, Christian (2007) Velfærdsinnovation: Ledelse af innovation i den offentlige sektor [Innovating Welfare: Leading Innovation in the Public Sector] , Børsens Forlag, Copenhagen
Bason, Christian, Sune Knudsen & Søren Toft (2009) Sæt borgeren i spil: Sådan involverer du borgere og virksomheder i offentlig innovation [Put the Citizen Into Play: How to Involve Citizens and Businesses in Public Sector Innovation], Gyldendal Public, Copenhagen